Monday, December 8, 2008

What Song Are You Singing?

Our son is a wonderful Christian song writer/singer. (excuse the proud parent moment). When he is composing a new worship song, it's impossible to tell his true intentions after hearing only the first few notes and/or lyrics. But eventually, note by note, word by word the worship song is created and his ultimate intent is revealed.

In the same way, your leadership character - who you are inside - is revealed slowly, over time, one opportunity at a time. Each circumstance and your reaction to it add another note to your song. Slowly but surely you reveal your heart (character) to those you lead. And by the way everyone of us is leading someone at sometime.

Every leader in God's kingdom has a responsibility to sing a song that reflects God's character through their lives. When those around you "hear" (see) your song they should "hear" the attributes of God.

In order to exhibit godly character, you must first and foremost have a relationship with the One whose character you seek to emulate. George Barna in his book A Fish Out of Water: 9 Strategies Effective Leaders Use to Help You Get Back into the Flow, had this bit of wisdom to offer: "Unless you are intensely devoted to continually cultivating your relationship with Christ, people have no valid reason to follow you and you have no business striving to lead God's people."

It can't be put any plainer - forging an ever-stronger relationship with Christ is the foremost priority of every leader in His kingdom. Extraordinary leader's are consistently searching His Word, seeking Him in prayer, and praising Him - through the good times and the bad.

Spending time with Jesus on a daily basis will cause your leadership song to be refreshing to your spirit and inspiring to your team of leaders. Sing On!

1 comment:

Courtney Nicole said...

Fabulous parallel. I love this one!