Saturday, April 4, 2009

I Don't Need No Stinkin Help!

Recently I was hiking the Cherokee Trail in Stone Mountain ( It's a pretty cool 5-6 mile trail that rambles through the woods, by the lakes and over the mountain. The hiking trail reminded me of leadership and life. Some parts of the trail were flat, easy and completely relaxing, some parts were a little challenging but fun, and some parts were difficult, risky and required extra effort and focus.

As I was hiking through one of the more risky parts of the trail, I fell and slid about 10 feet down the side of the mountain. I felt embarrassed and stupid. People around me were concerned, asked if I was OK and started coming to my side to help me get back on my feet. I quickly told them I was OK and didn't need any help...hmmmm.

That sounds all too familiar to my leadership style - people around me come to help and I say I don't need any help, I can do this, I will succeed! A little too many "I's" huh? If God puts people in our path to help them in their leadership trail, then wouldn't it make perfect sense that God places me in the path of others to help me on my leadership trail. I'm afraid too many times I ignore those people and have a "i don't need no stinkin help!" attitude. Sometimes (maybe most of the time) I'm just plain stupid!

God never intended us (me) to do his work alone. There are too many examples in the Bible to ignore where God brings other people along side one of His called leader's to help them accomplish His purpose. Go lead an extraordinary life by allowing other leaders to come along side you during the easy and difficult parts of your leadership trail.

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