Friday, February 20, 2009

A Good Message From A Good Friend

Strive To Thrive - Chuck's Blog

Today was a day to write. Me, my dog, some cool tunes from Brooke Fraser and a keyboard. I wrote sermons, I wrote copy for marketing pieces and websites, I wrote Power Point and Keynote presentations and I wrote a chapter for a leadership training syllabus. I'm a bit brain dead, which doesn't take long! While writing all of that, going to the doctor, seeing my daughter's ballgame and enjoying some Chinese food, I thought of the many friends of mine that are hurting in this economic disaster. I thought how blessed I am to have work and have meaningful work. I thought of how wonderful it is to be in love, enjoy 6 great kids and enjoy a handful of friendships that will last a lifetime. With all that syrup behind me I also thought of how stupid I have been throughout most of my adult life. I have spent most of my career and ministry focusing on a scoreboard that God doesn't keep score on. So I thought I would write one last thing today to describe 3 thoughts on the needed bailout of our country and in my life. 1. Discover and Remain Focused on Your Individual Calling; most of us are like the Apollo missions in that we tend to stray off course about 87% of our daily mission. We need a course correction that begins with God's calling. Stop long enough to hear Him. Maybe we should follow Habakkuk's model...request the vision, receive the vision, record the vision and reveal the vision. 2. Determine to Accomplish Something of Significance Everyday; the great thing about cutting grass is that you get to see your progress on every pass. Our days need a point of fulfillment that comes from having accomplished something of significance. Maybe we should start our day with this prayer, "Lord, allow me to make a difference today in my life, my family's life and in the life of someone you choose to place before me". I do not know of one joyful person that doesn't accomplish some significant act on a daily basis. The great thing is that you and the Lord get to determine the definition of significance. 3. Discipline our Attitudes to Enjoy Every Day; let's face it, the world is full of Eeyore's (as in Winnie the Pooh) that simply exist to suck the very joy out of your life. We all know them when we see them coming. I want to just place my hands over my ears and scream "fire in the hole" when I see one headed in my direction. Bad news and troubling information is plentiful, but people full of joy are in great demand. Choose to be one of those people! I don't want to survive this crisis, I want to thrive in this crisis. My attitude - and yours - are under our control and can be adjusted as needed. As for me and my house...I choose to enjoy the journey. Chuck

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