Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Are You A Leader?

"The Lord said to build a better world, and I answered, "How? The world is such a vast and large place, and it is so complicated now, and I am so small and useless there is nothing I can do." But God in His infinite wisdom said, "Just build a better you." - Unknown

Is leadership more than being the CEO of a company, being a senior pastor, being a congressman, senator, or president?

What about those in middle management? Are they leaders? How about the cleaning crew? What about the children's pastor or ministry team leaders or moms or students?

The truth is everyone of us is a leader in some form or fashion. The very moment you received Jesus Christ into your heart you became a leader in and for His kingdom. So the key question isn't are we a leader, but how are we leading?

It's important to bring the notion of leadership back to where it belongs: with everyday people. The father, the wife. The person who volunteers to teach children's church. The retail sales associate trying to live out their faith in front of non-Christian co-workers.

Extraordinary leadership that changes your world starts with you. Go out and change your piece of the world by practicing Christ-centered leadership principles. Start by serving those closest to you. Jesus said he came to serve and not to be served. If the Savior of the world can come down from His holy heaven to serve us shouldn't we as leaders in His kingdom serve others?

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