Friday, May 22, 2009

Disruptive Leadership

Disruptive levels of leadership is not about achieving fame and fortune but it's also not about sitting on the sidelines and watching the game of life pass you by either. The late great musician Ray Charles was quoted as saying, "I never wanted to be famous, I just wanted to be great at what I do."

Charles "Tremendous" Jones was a great encourager and visionary. Take a look at a statement he made in his book entitled "Life Is Tremendous". "Leadership is probably the most misunderstood word in our vocabulary. Leadership is not personality, not a position, not endowed to a certain few...Everyone has an obligation, as well as the privilege, of leading in something."

Take a moment to think about those around you at home, at work, at school, at church. How are you changing their world? Christians often speak of "leading" others to Christ, but are we exhibiting characteristics that encourage others to follow us?

Ultimately disruptive levels of leadership is about exhibiting behavior that other people want to emulate and follow. And as Christians, we're called to lead a life that others want.

Be a disruptive leader and surprise someone today by serving them instead of expecting them to serve you!

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